DD Adventure Blog

Journals and guides from the DD Hammocks team and special guest writers - read through the blog entries for exciting expedition reports, helpful camping tips, and inspirational photos of set-ups and spectacular scenery across the whole world!

28 October 2019

School Night Bivvi Club

By Darroch Davidson
Can you find time for adventure, even during a working week? Sounds impossible? Our guest writer Darroch Davidson shares how you can fit a proper night in the wild into a regular weeknight. And what a great energy kick it provides!

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09 October 2019

Your Adventures with DD Hammocks: Winner & Runners-Up!

By Ewan
We were very excited to have recieved short films and clips from all over the world over the summer. From the UK to Japan; Norway to North America you have shared amazing camping and adventure videos set in some of the world's most stunning scenery. We have had a fantastic time watching all of your entries, and we want to thank everyone for taking part! The competition closed on the 30th of September and the time has come to announce our lucky winner and 2 runners-up, after some very tough decision making! Read on to find out who we have chosen!

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23 September 2019

Explorers of the Outdoors: Part 2 - Matt & Zenia

By Aleksandra
In the second installment of our brand new blog series, 'Explorers of the Outdoors' we catch up with DD users Zenia from Denmark and Matt from the UK.

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10 July 2019

Your Adventures with DD Hammocks - Send Us Your Videos for a Chance to Win 1 of 3 Hammocks!

By Ewan
Enter our new video competition and you could be the winner of a brand new DD Hammock! We want to see your camping clips and films this summer - send them in and be featured in our first DD Hammocks crowdsourced video!

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06 June 2019

Explorers of the Outdoors: Part 1 - Dennis & Ryuji

By Alice
In the first installment of our brand new blog series, 'Explorers of the Outdoors' we catch up with bushcrafters Dennis from Denmark and Ryuji from Japan. (also featuring Japanese language version for our friends over in Japan!)

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16 April 2019

Training off the Beaten Track

By Denton Joachim
Denton Joachim of "Peace Parks Foundation" shares this inspiring story of training park rangers in southern Africa as part of a wider conservation project. With no accomodation available, where did he sleep? In a DD Jungle Hammock of course!

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12 March 2019

Hammock Camping with the 89th Bremore Scouts

By Brendan Dempsey - 89th Bremore Scouts
More and more Scout groups are choosing DD Hammocks over the more traditional tents for their camps and trips. The 89th Bremore Scouts are among those to have recently taken the plunge - leader Brendan Dempsey tells us why they're never looking back.

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22 January 2019

Our Favourite Photos of 2018!

By Ewan
We love getting to see your own DD set-ups from across the globe! It's inspiring as well impressive to see what our customers from all walks of life get up to, so let's take a look at some of the incredible photos we have been sent over the last year!

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11 December 2018

Expedition Lapland: Q&A With Tom Young

By Ewan
Following on from our pre-trip report earlier in 2018, we caught up with Tom Young, freshly returned from his successful expedition through Lapland - all of it on foot!

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25 September 2018

Guest blog: Hackney to Snowdonia - A Pedal-Powered Adventure!

By Chris Luche
Chris Luche shares his bikepacking experience with the London social enterprise, Outdoor People. Follow him as he documents his journey bivi-camping under his DD SuperLight Tarp S on the way from Hackney in England to Snowdonia in Wales.

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Results 11 to 20 of 48

DD Charity Update - August 2024

In the July and August months of the DD Charity initiative, we have had the pleasure of working with two organisations who strive to bring the joy and calming benefits of nature to those in need; Anxious Minds and FARE! Read on to find out more about these two local UK charities who are providing their services to those in the Northeast of England and Scotland.
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