DD Adventure Blog

Journals and guides from the DD Hammocks team and special guest writers - read through the blog entries for exciting expedition reports, helpful camping tips, and inspirational photos of set-ups and spectacular scenery across the whole world!

10 July 2019

Your Adventures with DD Hammocks - Send Us Your Videos for a Chance to Win 1 of 3 Hammocks!

By Ewan

Introducing the first DD Hammocks crowd-sourced video competition: Send your outdoors video clips and films to us over Summer 2019, and you can win yourself a brand new DD Hammock!

We all have one thing in common here - we all love spending time outdoors! Be that a months-long trip into the mountains with the most minimalist gear we can find, or a simple afternoon stroll into the woods to relax in your hammock for the afternoon.
Not only are our customers enthusiasts for all things outdoorsy, you are also talented photographers and film-makers, and we have really enjoyed following your posts on social media over the years. The time has come to give something back, so we want you to be involved in our first ever crowd-sourced video!
Whatever you want to film, we want to see! It could be something as simple as a short view from your hammock, all the way up to an epic expedition report. Whatever you want to include is up to you: Your favourite campsite, your adventure buddies, even a helpful set-up tip. We will be accepting video submissions up until the 30th of September 2019, so there's plenty of summer left for you to get the cameras rolling.

Entries can be as short as 10 seconds, all the way up to 3 minutes in length. Selected submissions will be included in our edited video compilation, which will be published and credited across our social media channels shortly after the competition closes. See the bottom of this blog for instructions on submitting your video.

On top of that – we have prizes on offer! Our favourite video will win the creator a DD – XL – Frontline Hammock, whilst the two runners up will each receive a DD Camping Hammock. See below for more information on these great prizes:

1st prize: the DD - XL - Frontline Hammock is one of our largest and most spacious hammocks, complete with a full mosquito net and dual, breathable base layers for maximum all-climate versatility. Click here for more information!


2 runners up: The DD Camping Hammock shares the same dual-layer design as the Frontline Hammock, and is ready to set up straight out the bag. Lightweight, comfortable and user-friendly, it is ideal for beginners and experienced campers alike. Click here to read more!


To Submit your video:

There are 2 ways you can submit a video to us:

 - Send your video as an attached file to: sales@ddhammocks.com with "Video Adventures with DD Hammocks" as the subject line. This will work for shorter clips that you might have, but you may find that your outbox will not handle many video files simply due to the size.

 - Our recommended method: You can also use www.wetransfer.com to send your video file directly to us at: sales@ddhammocks.com. This is a free and simple file transfer service which can handle much larger files than conventional email. Please be sure to state "Video Adventures with DD Hammocks" along with your name, contact email address, preferred social media handle, and a brief description of your video in the Message section.

If you have any questions about sending your videos, or want to chat to our team about it first then just get in touch with us at the same email - sales@ddhammocks.com. We will be able to assist with any queries and help you to get your video sent to us.

We are looking forward to seeing what you can do this summer!


Credits for the video above:

Silva Wolf
Fandabi Dozi Wilderness Adventures
ALTWAY.eu - creative team

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About the writer


Growing up in the far Northwest Highlands of Scotland, Ewan is no stranger to the Great Outdoors. As part of the DD Hammocks team with a passion for cycling, hillwalking and outdoor sports, Ewan is super keen to spread the joys of the outdoor lifestyle to all!

DD Charity Update - August 2024

In the July and August months of the DD Charity initiative, we have had the pleasure of working with two organisations who strive to bring the joy and calming benefits of nature to those in need; Anxious Minds and FARE! Read on to find out more about these two local UK charities who are providing their services to those in the Northeast of England and Scotland.
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