DD Adventure Blog

Journals and guides from the DD Hammocks team and special guest writers - read through the blog entries for exciting expedition reports, helpful camping tips, and inspirational photos of set-ups and spectacular scenery across the whole world!

22 January 2019

Our Favourite Photos of 2018!

By Ewan

2018 was a great year for getting away from it all and spending quality time outside - accompanied by your family, friends, or just the sound of the wind in the trees and birdsong in your ears.

We love collecting your stunning photographs of your DD Hammock, Tarp or Tent from across the globe. Searching through the #ddhammocks hashtag on social media, we get to see your campsites in all kinds of different climates and continents. We have selected some of our (many!) favourite photos from the year just finished, to serve as an inspiration for 2019's adventures into the wild!

 We'd be there in a flash!


As well timed photos go, this one is certainly up there! During a recent trip to KwaZulu-Natal Calv experienced thunderstorms, dramatic light and some amazing African wildlife, all from the comfort of his DD Hammock and Tarp! By @calv_of_the_bushveld / South Africa


Planet Hammock!


This unqiue photo captures the feeling of hammock camping perfectly, featuring a DD SuperLight Hammock, taken on a solo bikepacking mission in the woodlands. Having the whole forest to yourself, you are literally in your own little world! By @johnclimber / UK


 Group Hangs!


The wilderness is a special place to spend time alone, but sometimes sharing it with friends makes you appreciate it even more! Frederik and friends took to the woods to construct this multi-person set-up, which we can only refer to as a hammock hotel! By @freddybushcraft / Denmark


Good morning sunshine!


 It's chilly out there just now...but the warming rays of the sun are always welcome, whether it's the last light of day after a fulfilling hike into the forest, or greeting you first thing in the morning! By @samstersoni / Finland


A window to the world


Here at DD Hammocks we are proud to base ourselves in Scotland, and with wild land like this so close to the cities, it's easy to see why! This DD SuperLight Jungle Hammock looks like a place we could happily spend a lot of time in! By @scottyneedsa303 / Scotland


Golden Hour


There's very little more picturesque than the late evening in the forest - late last year we were sent this serene photograph from a forest in Japan, in full Autumn colours! Much more relaxing than a night on the couch! By @sotode_asobu / Japan


Stealth-mode engaged


A perfect demonstration of how a full DD Multicam set-up can make you blend in to all kinds of backdrops. Looking to set up a secret campsite away from prying eyes? It might be worth speaking to Scott who sent us this superb photo! By @bugoutbigis / UK


Ground dweller


Hammock camping isn't all about suspending yourself between trees - with the DD Travel Hammock / Bivi you can set yourself up for a night on the ground, as demonstrated here expertly by @Scablands_bushcraft / USA


3x3 Sheets to the wind!


Not content with just camping, these intrepid paddlers lashed their canoes together and used their DD Tarp 3x3 for a high speed sail down the length of Loch Ness in Scotland. How's that for ingenuity?

The above are only a small selection of the wonderful photographs sent in to us by our customers around the world. To see more, follow our account on Instagram for your daily dose of fresh-air inspiration - and don't forget to tag your photos with #ddhammocks for a chance to be featured on our feed yourself!

We hope everyone has a fantastic 2019 in the great outdoors, keep an eye on our website and social media for more photos, blogs, and competitions coming soon!

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About the writer


Growing up in the far Northwest Highlands of Scotland, Ewan is no stranger to the Great Outdoors. As part of the DD Hammocks team with a passion for cycling, hillwalking and outdoor sports, Ewan is super keen to spread the joys of the outdoor lifestyle to all!

DD Charity Update - June 2024

Summer is here to stay and a heatwave is on the way - so lets get as many people as we can outdoors! This month we've partnered with The Ernest Cook Trust and The Outward Bound Trust; two local UK charities who have a long history of bringing everyone they can into nature! Read on to find out more!
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