DD Adventure Blog

Journals and guides from the DD Hammocks team and special guest writers - read through the blog entries for exciting expedition reports, helpful camping tips, and inspirational photos of set-ups and spectacular scenery across the whole world!

28 September 2016

Video: No-trace hammock camping

By Jocasta

We at DD will often wax lyrical about the advantages of hammock camping, especially when you consider how environmentally-friendly it can be as a camping method. Eco-travellers, backpackers and bushcrafters alike will often opt for hammocks as an above-ground solution because, used correctly, they leave very little trace and almost no disruption to wildlife or plant life.

Dan and Nico took to the woods to show us how, with a few small considerations and changes to your pack, you can be a thoughtful hammock camper without compromising on your enjoyment! You can start making a difference just by doing something as simple as using natural resources (like dead wood and twigs) for cooking, and water filtration systems to minimise the use of plastic bottles.

Watch the video to see how they organise their pack, what they check for when setting up (and packing up) camp, how they cook, and more.

We hope you find the video useful, and that it leaves you with knowledge to take with you on your next expedition. Even just taking a few of these extra steps can help protect your surroundings from damage and disturbance.

Do you practice no trace camping? Share your experiences with us on Facebook or Instagram!


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About the writer


DD's former content writer, Jocasta is never far from a beach, the woods or a set of mountains. When she's not illustrating or writing, she's exploring Scotland and spotting wildlife.

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