DD Adventure Blog

Journals and guides from the DD Hammocks team and special guest writers - read through the blog entries for exciting expedition reports, helpful camping tips, and inspirational photos of set-ups and spectacular scenery across the whole world!

09 October 2019

Your Adventures with DD Hammocks: Winner & Runners-Up!

By Ewan

At the beginning of summer we annouced a video competition - Your Adventures With DD Hammocks.

Great enjoyment was had here at DD HQ over your short films and clips from all over the world. From the UK to Japan; Norway to North America you have shared amazing camping and adventure videos set in some of the world's most stunning scenery. We have had a fantastic time watching all of your entries, and we want to thank everyone for taking part!

The competition closed on the 30th of September; we know we've kept you waiting for too long, but we have had too much fun deliberating over which were our favourites!

Without further ado, read on below to find out who we have chosen!

1st Prize:

Name: Pavel Kohout (Czech Republic)

Prize: DD - XL - Frontline Hammock

Jury's comment: Pavel's amazing camera-work really captures why we all love to escape the city and spend time in the wilderness. Finding your favourite secluded spot, relaxing in your hammock with a good brew (or a wee dram!), and taking in your surroundings with only the sounds of the forest as company whilst the sun sets. We love it - well done Pavel!

You can follow Pavel's adventures on YouTube and Instagram.



Name: Naoki / @sotode_asobu (Japan)

Prize: DD Camping Hammock

Jury's comment: Naoki shows us that you don't need to stay inside when the weather turns against you. Even though the rain starts pouring after Naoki's camp is set up, his spirits aren't dampened! We really enjoyed this light-hearted video full of the relaxing sounds of the forest we are all familar with - looks like a perfect location for an adventure. Enjoy your Camping Hammock Naoki!


Name: Colin Russel (Scotland)

Prize: DD Camping Hammock

Jury's comment: An epic tale of man vs. beast, told via a simple and relatable video from the small but stunning country of Scotland. Colin heads out into the woods to set up his hammock, and wait for the opportunity to land his perfect catch. No need for anything flashy, just an enthusiastic outdoorsman enjoying himself amongst nature. Nice one!

See more on Colin's YouTube channel.

So there you have it - massive congratulations to our winner, runners-up and everyone who sent in their video content.

This was by no means an easy decision and we enjoyed watching all of your clips and videos so much. We wish we could give you all a prize, but fear not! We will very soon be sharing a full super-cut, featuring all of your clips and videos; a real showcase of the enthusiastic outdoors community that inspires us to keep on doing what we are doing. Thank you one and all, whether you're a film-maker or not, for the constant inspiration!

Keep an eye on our social media for the video and more competitions and great prizes coming soon! Give us a follow by clicking the links below:

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About the writer


Growing up in the far Northwest Highlands of Scotland, Ewan is no stranger to the Great Outdoors. As part of the DD Hammocks team with a passion for cycling, hillwalking and outdoor sports, Ewan is super keen to spread the joys of the outdoor lifestyle to all!

DD Charity Update - August 2024

In the July and August months of the DD Charity initiative, we have had the pleasure of working with two organisations who strive to bring the joy and calming benefits of nature to those in need; Anxious Minds and FARE! Read on to find out more about these two local UK charities who are providing their services to those in the Northeast of England and Scotland.
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