DD Adventure Blog

Journals and guides from the DD Hammocks team and special guest writers - read through the blog entries for exciting expedition reports, helpful camping tips, and inspirational photos of set-ups and spectacular scenery across the whole world!

28 June 2023

Exploring the Sinai with Rosie Stancer

By Vikki
As any adventurer would tell you - a successful trip out into the wilderness often comes down to experience, gear, weather and preparedness. We catch up with explorer Rosie Stancer - a veteran of polar trips and desert expeditions alike - and hear all about her most recent trip to the Sinai; armed with her team and trusty DD Hammocks gear!

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24 January 2023

200 Miles for Charity with @EastAnglianBushcraft

By Vikki
For the first Adventure Blog of the new year, we're catching up with DD Camper and outdoorsman, Craig W., also known to many as @EastAnglianBushcraft! With a passion for the outdoors as well as a deep desire to pay kindness forward, Craig tells us about a 200 mile charity hike that he completed for Veterans At Ease in the chilly winter months of 2022 - as well as letting us in on a few exciting plans for trips throughout the year.

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09 August 2022

Friday Night Out

By Ewan
Even though you're working all week, and have a busy week ahead, it does not mean you have to avoid adventuring! DD Hammocks' own Ewan shows us how, with a little forward planning, you can squeeze in a mini adventure in the space of 12 hours and get home to enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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17 June 2022

Campfire Cooking with @Bushcraft_bavaria

By Vikki
While the ease of boil-in-the-bag has made eating on the go accessible and lightweight, there's a growing number of outdoorsfolk who want to really bring the art of fresh, campfire cookery to life. We catch up with Andi, a DD Camper with a taste for good food and outdoor adventure, to tell us more.

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13 January 2022

Exploring 2022

By Vikki
Happy New Year, happy new adventures! If you're in search of inspiration for taking on the trails of 2022, look no further - we catch up with three fellow campers Sam, Anja and Dennis to find out what their 2022 looks like and what DD gear they have in their backpacks!

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26 July 2021

Wildlife Photography & Hammock Camping

By Henk Reinicke
Henk Reinicke is an 18 year old wildlife photographer from Germany. Not content with having to head home after a day's shooting, Henk shares some of his amazing photos and talks us through his first night alone in the wilds, using the DD Frontline Hammock - MC; a fantastic choice for staying hidden and letting nature come to you.

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31 May 2021

Adventures with Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust

By Steve Tolan
Steve Tolan of the Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust, a charity based in Zambia, shares some stories and photos of his memorable adventures. The charity focuses on conservation education for the young people of Zambia - and works with conservationists, palaeontologists and wildlife autorities to create some incredible opportunities and outcomes.

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08 April 2020

DD Tarp 3x3 Speed Challenge

By Ewan
Bored during lockdown? Missing the great outdoors? Well now is the time to brush up on your camping skills! Have a go at the DD Tarp 3x3 Speed Challenge and see just how fast you can put together a tarp tent configuration in your garden!

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26 February 2020

Camping Goes Global - Our Top 10 Photos from the World of Adventure!

By Ewan
DD Hammocks was born out of a love for travelling the world and exploring the wildest places on earth, and over the years we have seen that our enthusiastic customers are carrying on this tradition! In this special blog post, we are showing off our 10 favourite hammock, tarp and tent set-ups from our customers across the globe, to show that camping has a truly wide-ranging appeal!

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07 January 2020

Guest Blog: 4 Reasons to Go Wild This Year

By Tom Langhorne
Modern life is non-stop and we all need a break from time to time. With new year upon us, Tom Langhorne from Fandabi Dozi shares 4 reasons why he thinks we should all focus on getting back to our roots this year, and spend more time in nature than ever before!

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Results 1 to 10 of 48

DD Charity Update - August 2024

In the July and August months of the DD Charity initiative, we have had the pleasure of working with two organisations who strive to bring the joy and calming benefits of nature to those in need; Anxious Minds and FARE! Read on to find out more about these two local UK charities who are providing their services to those in the Northeast of England and Scotland.
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