DD Charity Blog - Introduction

Welcome to the first DD Charity blog post!

Over the last couple of years we’ve been able to support the work of some great causes and organizations, such as making donations to Medicins Sans Frontiers and the RSPB (about which you can read more about on our DD Charity page). We’ve also been able to help by donating hammocks and tarps for raffle prizes to a number of people and charities raising money for good causes such as local foodbanks.

However, we believe that there is more we can do to help! Moving forward, we will be providing even more support for charitable causes by making monthly contributions of our specially made charity hammocks and tarps to organizations close to our hearts. These products are being made solely for donations rather than for sale, and we are eager to donate sets of them to worthy causes.

Any cause that would benefit from outdoor equipment will be considered, however we would particularly like to support more grassroots outdoor charities and groups on a local level, who are doing great things for youngsters or young adults. This blog, which will be updated regularly, will be a place to share their experiences and raise awareness for the great work they’re doing.

We have already made donations of camping kit to two local charities this year, and you can read more about this below!

In May 2021 we made a donation of hammocks, tarps, sleeping bags and other camping accessories to the Scottish Charity Nature 4 Health (N4H) to help support their work connecting people with nature. N4H work to help people experience the physical and mental health benefits of the great green spaces of our planet by running sessions on camp crafts (such as paracord weaving, spoon carving etc), foraging, team building games in the outdoors and much more. This helps to encourage healthy mental development and well being in order to combat the disconnect from nature that the urbanisation of our wild areas has unfortunately caused.

Stephen Wiseman of N4H explains a little more about the work and values of the charity:

“Over time we at Nature 4 Health (N4H) have become greatly aware of the value of being outdoors and aim to share that with a wide audience in the north of Scotland. Our childhood and careers have allowed us to benefit from this connection and a great deal of research over many years has noted a multitude of positive outcomes.

Being outdoors in nature is intrinsically beneficial but doing it with others and learning new ways, skills and understandings makes this offering organic and vital. Our Nature Walk for Wellbeing sessions, for instance, help people to define what staying well or being happy means for them and how to work towards that. It is not as simple as saying ‘go outside’ – for many people this needs facilitated and some of the wonders awaiting them revealed as well as the fears allayed.

Art, storytelling, poetry, nature tracking and wildlife watching may form part of the session and mindfulness activities are a regular focus, allowing participants to see the outdoors as a great place to be present within. Learning new skills such as knots, hammock and tarp use as well as foraging and campfire cookery broaden the appeal and help to acclimatise people to relaxing in nature.

Some of our output can be as little as an hour and build up to full days and weeks of sessions linked to thoughtful programmes of engagement. In a survey in 2017, Nature Walk participants noted increased activity, sociability, engagement with others, self-confidence and self-esteem as well as an increased awareness of nature. When we connect positively with the rest of the natural world the outcomes can be life changing and for much more than the human race.

With their new equipment, N4H have been able to introduce hammock camping and tarp shelters on their trips each week, explaining that this is now a cornerstone of helping people to acclimatize and relax into nature, as well as being useful for developing new bushcraft skills – not to mention just being great fun!

If you would like to learn more about the work of N4H, you can find out more here: N4H.

More recently, in June 2021 we supported Edinburgh charity The Green Team by making a donation of 5 hammocks to help support their Thrive programme. The Green Team work to run outdoor programmes of various outdoor events and activities for young people that provide aspects of conservation, environmental education, as well as personal and mental development. By donating hammocks, we hope that The Green Team can continue their healing work in new and exciting ways!

- If you would like to learn more about The Green Team and their work, you can find more information here: The Green Team.

We would love to continue to provide our support going into the future, particularly for kindred causes that support disadvantaged youngsters or similar outdoors charities. However, we are happy to consider any cause or organisation that is dedicated to doing good things for people in need.

So, if you know of any groups or organizations that would benefit from outdoors equipment, please get in touch with us on the Charity Contact Form found on our DD Charity Page!

DD Charity Roundup - 2024

As we come into the brand New Year we here at DD Hammocks would like to take a moment to look back at 2024.

Read on to find out more about all the amazing charities and organisations we’ve supported this year!

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