Waste & Recycling

It is important for us to reduce the amount of landfill waste going out of our door. We will always re-use our assets when we can, or if this is not possible we will recycle them.

Boxes / product packaging

We receive our products from our factory in recycled cardboard boxes. These are the same boxes our warehouse team uses to send large orders to our retailers / distributors. This means that we do not need to purchase more boxes and packing for this purpose, and very little gets disposed of. The vast majority of our boxes are re-used.

In cases where boxes are damaged or unsuitable, we have a weekly collection from a local company who take our cardboard waste away for recycling. We strive to reduce the amount of boxes being recycled as we feel that re-using the boxes is an even more environmentally friendly option.

We are working with our factory to make sure that boxes are of the highest quality so lesser numbers need to be recycled, with a goal of being able to re-use all of our boxes.

Around 2019 we removed the majority of single use plastic involved in product packaging inside our boxes. Since then a small number of products (mostly smaller products that do not have stuff sacks) have plastic packaging. We are making re-newed efforts to cut this out where we possibly can. 

We are proud that since DD started we have always kept packaging for our products simple and light. 


Retaining products / demo etc

Whenever products are retained for photography or testing, they are not discarded once this period is over.

We keep these products for demo or display purposes at events / trade shows, for our own reference, or occasionally hold a "seconds" sale where these products are sold to customers to enjoy a long life of usage! 

Occasionally we have products that are not in perfect condition for sale but still fine for use (for example slightly stained or missing a very small part). Any products found to be like this are either offered for a discounted price in our occasional 'seconds' sales or offered to at discounted price or given away to Scout Groups. 


Off cuts of material

Our factory uses up off cuts of material wherever possible. For example off cuts from tarps are used to make stuff sacks, peg bags, sleeves etc. Off cuts from hammocks are used for gear slings or hammock pockets. Off cuts from tents for superlight stuff sacks or other tents if its a larger off cut.

We take care to cut material in ways that keeps waste to a minimum. Using computer programs to plan material cutting and using a large cutting table its possible to really reduce waste on this front to very little. 


Office recycling

We do not create much waste in our office, following the same principles as above. We strive to be paperless wherever possible and staff are encouraged to use re-fillable water bottles and travel mugs.

Waste is unfortunately unavoidable at times, however we do utilise dedicated recycling bins in our office for packaging and food waste - keeping landfill waste to a minimum.



While trying to do things electronically where possible we still do use paper at times in the office and warehouse. Paper waste is shredded and then recycled. We try to use non confidential paper on both sides before its recycled.

DD Charity Roundup - 2024

As we come into the brand New Year we here at DD Hammocks would like to take a moment to look back at 2024.

Read on to find out more about all the amazing charities and organisations we’ve supported this year!

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